Welcome to Jura Whisky

One island. One whisky distillery. One craft.

Welcome to Jura, a remote island off the West Coast of Scotland. Only 60 miles from the mainland yet it feels like an entire world away; an ancient landscape of wild mountains, peaceful lochs and stormy seas. With just one road, one pub, one whisky distillery and a very distinct micro-climate, it’s not the easiest place to make whisky, but we believe it’s the best.

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Recycling the tube packaging, responsibly

Learn about our tube separation feature

At Jura Whisky, we employ the principles of Design for Sustainability to improve the recyclability of our products.

Our tubes now include a discrete line of perforations on the back of the pack allowing the cardboard body and metal base to be easily separated from each other and recycled. The innovative solution is protected by a pending international (PCT) patent application.

Our packaging allows you to make an ethical consumer choice and recycle responsibily.

Recycling of our packaging

When disposing of the packaging, please follow the "on-pack recycling label" (OPRL) guidance below. The OPRL scheme aims to deliver simple and clear advice to consumers on how they can reuse then recycle in their local area.

For UK use only. Please check your local market recycling standards for more information.


We actively ensure our ingredients, materials, distillery methods and environmental efforts are as sustainable as possible by considering the end-to-end impact, from design and production, to transport and disposal.


Our whisky is packed in 100% recyclable packaging. Our tubes have the same distinctive look and feel, but it has been adapted to be easily recyclable at home.

Recycled Content

Our tubes are made with up to 60% recycled content giving additional life to recycled paper that no longer has the performance criteria for other applications.


Our tubes are produced within 50 miles of our production facility minimising Co2e associated with transport.


The energy used to produce our tubes come from renewable sources including one third off which comes through installed solar panels which produce energy on site.


The tube comprises a paper body and metal base and lid. These two materials have amongst the highest recycling rates of any readily used to make packaging. They require no specialist processing to recycle and are widely recovered globally.

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